Network Convergence

What is Network Convergence?

Network convergence is the efficient fusion of telephone, video, and data communication in a single network. Multiple communication modes on a single network are used to offer convenience and flexibility which is not obtainable when separate infrastructures are used.

Network convergence essentially provides large, complex organizations with a single network for their mobile and Internet connections which are usually regulated behind the same firewalls. As a registered user, you can access their Internet, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and mobile connections.

What Are The Benefits of
Network Convergence?

  • Security Concerns: Anytime malicious attacks occur on a network with separate infrastructures, attackers could only access data that was on the particular network they broke into such as telecommunications, closed-circuit TV, and PCs running on different networks, attackers could access one resource at a time. When all those resources are using a single network infrastructure, an attacker could access all of them through a single access point.
  • Multiple devices are used: A lot of devices are used in a convergence network. All of a company’s communications and cloud-based services run over a converged network calls for proper management of the different bandwidth prerequisites of different services across a number of devices.
  • The pressure to meet up with standards: There are several rules regulating different spectrum bandwidths or frequencies for specific technologies, as a result, this has constrained solutions converged network provide. Companies using convergence networks must comply with competing standards for networking that organizations such as Fiber connections, broadband, DSL, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, WAN/SAN, vWAN/vSAN, SD-WAN, etc.

What is Convergence in Networking?

Convergence in networking refers to when a network provider offers networking services for voice, data, and video using a single network, rather than using a separate network for each of these services. This enables a business to use a single network from one provider for all its communication and cloud-based services.

Types of Network Convergence

Network convergence includes the convergence of communication services and systems, such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, mobile, and VoIP. A company can use a single converged network from one network provider for all types of communications and services. In addition, businesses that offered these services using separate infrastructures before now can use the same network for other networking-based services.

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